
Image 7530+Books

Image 40+Seats

Welcome to Jamia Nadawiyya Training College Library

Established in 1995, the Jamia Nadwiyya Training College Library serves as a vital hub for academic excellence and research. With a collection of 7,530 books, our library supports students, educators, and researchers in their pursuit of knowledge.

We have embraced modern library automation with Koha, a leading open-source Integrated Library System, ensuring efficient cataloging, circulation, and user-friendly access to resources. In addition, our digital library, equipped with DELNET (Developing Library Network) connectivity, provides seamless access to a vast repository of e-books, journals, and research materials.

Our library is committed to fostering a vibrant learning environment, promoting scholarly engagement, and enhancing teaching-learning experiences. We invite you to explore our rich collection and make the most of our advanced digital resources.

Library Faculties

Our Vision

To be a dynamic and innovative knowledge hub that empowers educators, researchers, and students by providing seamless access to quality resources, fostering a culture of lifelong learning, and supporting excellence in teacher education.

Our Mission

  • To provide comprehensive and up-to-date learning resources that support the academic and research needs of teacher trainees and faculty.
  • To enhance library services through automation (Koha) and digital access (DELNET) for a seamless and efficient learning experience.
  • To promote information literacy by guiding users in effective research, referencing, and digital resource utilization.
  • To create an inclusive and inspiring learning environment that nurtures curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.
  • To collaborate with national and international knowledge networks for resource sharing and academic enrichment.
  • To continuously upgrade our collection, services, and technology in alignment with emerging trends in education and library science.


πŸ“– Empowering future educators with knowledge and innovation!

At Jamia Nadwiyya Training College Library, we are committed to providing a range of user-centric services that support academic excellence, research, and professional development. Our services are designed to enhance learning experiences and ensure easy access to knowledge resources.

πŸ“š Main Services Rendered by the Library

βœ… Reference Service

Our librarians assist users in finding relevant books, journals, and digital resources, ensuring they get the best information for their academic and research needs.

βœ… Current Awareness Service (CAS)

Stay updated with the latest books, journals, and research papers. We provide timely notifications about new arrivals and academic developments.

βœ… Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)

Personalized alerts and information services tailored to users' specific research interests and academic requirements.

βœ… Online Renewal Facility

Easily renew borrowed books online through our Koha-powered library system, saving time and ensuring uninterrupted access to learning materials.

βœ… Research Assistance

We offer expert guidance in locating research materials, citation management, and structuring academic papers, helping scholars and teacher trainees excel in their studies.

βœ… Assistance for Online Information Search & Retrieval

Need help navigating online databases or digital repositories? Our trained staff assists in effective online searching and retrieving academic information for your projects and research.

πŸ“– Visit the library and make the most of our resources and services!

The Jamia Nadwiyya Training College Library offers a range of modern facilities to enhance the learning and research experience of students, faculty, and researchers. Our well-equipped library ensures easy access to academic resources and provides user-friendly services to support teacher education.

πŸ“Œ Facilities Available in the Library

πŸ“„ Xerox Service

Library users can avail of photocopying services for important study materials, research papers, and reference documents.

πŸ“– Braille Books

We are committed to inclusive education and provide Braille books for visually impaired students, ensuring equal access to knowledge.

πŸ“š Previous Question Papers

A well-organized collection of previous years’ question papers is available to help students prepare effectively for exams.

πŸ” Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Facility

Our Koha-based OPAC system allows users to search, locate, and check the availability of books and other materials in the library collection.

πŸŽ“ User Orientation

New users are guided through library orientation programs to familiarize them with library resources, services, and digital platforms.

🌐 DELNET Facility

The library is connected to DELNET (Developing Library Network), giving access to a vast collection of e-books, journals, and academic resources.

πŸ’» Remote Access to DELNET E-Resources

Students and faculty can access DELNET e-resources remotely, enabling learning and research from anywhere, anytime.

πŸ“’ Bulletin Board Services

The library provides bulletin board services to keep users informed about new arrivals, academic events, research opportunities, and library updates.

Library Rules

For the smooth functioning of the Jamia Nadwiyya Training College Library, we request all users to adhere to the following rules:


1. Book Borrowing Duration:

    Books are issued for 14 days

    If you need the books for a longer period, ensure to renew them before the due date.


2. Care for Books:

    Books should be kept clean and free from damage. Treat them with care for the benefit of all users.


3. Late Returns:

     A fine will be charged for books returned after the due date.


4. Book Arrangement:

     Books are arranged on shelves according to their subjects. After use, place books on the reading table  or hand them over to the librarian.


5. Magazines and Journals:

     Users should return magazines and journals to their designated places after use.


6. ID Scanning: Scan your ID card: 

     at the entrance both when entering and exiting the library.


7. Library Maintenance:

      When leaving the library, ensure to put the chairs back in their place.


8. Mobile Phones:

      Keep your mobile phones on silent mode and maintain silence in the library.


Librarian Assistance:

Librarian is available to assist you with finding materials, using library resources, or with any questions you may have.

Thank you for your cooperation in creating a positive learning environment for all library users!


πŸ“š Some Useful Links for Teacher Educators

Open Access Educational Journals:

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):

Aomprehensive online library offering a vast collection of education research and information. www.eric.ed.gov

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ):

A community-curated directory providing access to high-quality, open-access, peer-reviewed journals across various disciplines, including education. www.doaj.org

International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER):

A well-organized collection of previous years’ question papers is available to help students prepare effectively for exams.

A bi-annual, open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the development and u of open educational resources. (apus.edu)

Our Koha-based OPAC system allows users to search, locate, and check the availability of books and other materials in the library collection.

E-Books and Digital Libraries::

Project Gutenberg:

Off over 60,000 free eBooks, including a vast collection of classic literature and reference materials. www.gutenberg.org

National Digital Library of India:

A comprehensive digital repository resources useful for students and educators, providing access to a wide range of academic content. www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in

HathiTrust Digital Library:

A partnership of academic and research institutions offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. HathiTrust Digital Library – Millions of books online

Educational Websites:

OER Commons:

A public digital library of open educational resources, allowing educators to explore, create, and collaborate on teaching materials. OER Commons

MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching):

A curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development serves contributed by an international education community. MERLOT

E-Library for Teachers:

Provided by UNESCO, this platform offers open-access resources, educational materials, courses, a training to support teachers and their professional development. (elibrary.iite.unesco.org)

Additional Useful Resources:


Provides access to thousands of academic journals, books, and primary sources across various disciplines, including education.


Saylor Academy:

Offers free online courses across various subjects, including teacher training and education, aimed at professional development. Saylor Academy – Free and open online coursesfor people everywhere

Links To Library Resources

Links To Library Resources

Special Features of Our Library